Communication with the API is carried out using the URL:
Any charges will be deducted from your account balance!
Available methods:
When accessing any API method, the status will always be present in the response:
{ "status": "ok" }
{ "status": false, "error_id": 100, "error": "Error key" }
"getbalance" method:
Get info about an account balance
{ "status": "ok", "balance": "100", "currency": "USD" }
"getcategory" method:
Get the list of available categories
{ "status": "ok", "list": [ { "id": "for_al", "name": "List of all sites" } ] }
"getprice" method:
Get info about the order amount depending on the period and number of proxies.
In the argument above we are obtaining information on the price of 100 IPv4 proxies for 30 days.
{ "status": "ok", "price": 1800, "category", "for_all", "price_single": 0.6, "period": 30, "country": "us", "count": 100 }
"getcount" method:
Get the number of certain countries' proxies available for purchasing. If the "category" or "country" parameters are missing, the response will show the number of proxies for all countries and categories
In the example above we are obtaining information about the number of Russian IPv4 proxies available for purchase.
{ "status": "ok", "count": 971, }
In the example above, we are obtaining information about the available quantity of IPv4 proxies for purchase.
In the case of a successful response without parameters:
"count": {
"for_all": {
"soc": {
"getcountry" method:
Get info about available countries for purchase.
{ "status": "ok", "list": "["ru","ua","us"]", }
"getproxy" method:
Get the list of your proxies.
{ "status": "ok", "list_count": 4, "list": { "11": { "id": 11, "ip": "", "port": "7330", "user": "5svBNZ", "pass": "iagn2d", "type": "http", "country": "ru", "date": "2016-06-19 16:32:39", "date_end": "2016-07-12 11:50:41", "unixtime": 1466379159, "unixtime_end": 1468349441, "comment": "", "active": 1, "category": "for_all" }, "14": { "id": 14, "ip": "", "port": "7386", "user": "nV5TFK", "pass": "3Itr1t", "type": "http", "country": "ru", "date": "2016-06-27 16:06:22", "date_end": "2016-07-11 16:06:22", "unixtime": 1466379159, "unixtime_end": 1468349441, "comment": "", "active": 1, "category": "for_all" } } }
"setipauth" method:
Used to indicate IPs acceptable for proxy authorization (up to 3 pcs)
{ "status": "ok", }
"settype" method:
Used to change the protocol of the proxies list.
In the example above we are changing the proxy type for numbers 10,11,12,15 to SOCKS5.
{ "status": "ok" }
"setdescr" method:
Used to update the technical comment to the proxies list ("buy" method).
One of the arguments, either ids or old_comment, must be supplied.
In the example above we are changing the comment from test to newtest.
{ "status": "ok", "count": 4 }
"buy" method:
Used to buy proxies.
In the example above we are purchasing 1 Russian IPv4 proxy for 30 days.
{ "status": "ok", "order_id": 100000, "count": 1, "price": 6.3, "price_single": 0.9, "period": 7, "country": "ru" "list": { "15": { "id": 15, "ip": "", "port": "7330", "user": "5svBNZ", "pass": "iagn2d", "type": "http", "country": "ru" "date": "2016-06-19 16:32:39", "date_end": "2016-07-12 11:50:41", "unixtime": 1466379159, "unixtime_end": 1468349441, "comment": "", "active": 1, "category": "for_all" } } }
"prolong" method:
Used to renew current proxies
In the example above we are extending the proxies with numbers 15 and 16 for 30 days.
{ "status": "ok", "period": 30, "price": 12.6, "count": 2, "list": { "15": { "id": 15, "date_end": "2016-07-12 11:50:41", "unixtime_end": 1468349441 }, "16": { "id": 16, "date_end": "2016-07-16 09:31:21", "unixtime_end": 1466379261 } } }
"autoprolong" method:
Used to auto-renew current proxies
*Auto-renewal is only available for 30 days
In the example above we are extending the proxies with numbers 15 and 16 for 30 days.
{ "code":200, "data":{ "15":{ "status":"success", "enabled":true }, "16":{ "status":"success", "enabled":true } } }
"delete" method:
Used to remove proxies
In the example above we are deleting the proxies with numbers 15 and 16
{ "status": "ok", "count": 2, }
"check" method:
Used to check the validity of the proxy
In the example above we are testing the proxy with number 15.
{ "status": "ok", "proxies": [ { "proxy_id": "15", "proxy_status": true } ] }