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J P.

Selling on eBay can be a wild ride, and a 5-day rotating proxies package are my trusty steeds. They've got my back, keeping me incognito when I play the bidding game. But sometimes, they're like a stubborn mule, causing a minor glitch. A tad pricey, but for us hustlers, it's worth the hustle. Still, if you're on a shoestring budget, you might need to think twice. A few dollars saved could buy you some snazzy eBay merch, right?

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Rex R.

I like their API. It's easy to set up and configure. Their quality proxies are a powerful targeting feature that lets you narrow down your audience. I've been using it for months now and it's just so convenient.

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Blaizzie H.

In our IT consultancy firm, uptime is critical. Since switching to Proxy-Store, we've achieved a 9/10 uptime rate for our clients, which has earned us a stellar reputation in the industry.Edited: In our IT consultancy firm, uptime is critical. Since switching to Proxy-Store, we've achieved a remarkable 9/10 uptime rate for our clients, which has earned us a stellar reputation in the industry.This significant improvement in our uptime statistics has translated into tangible success. Not only have we garnered industry recognition, but we've also seen a 23% increase in client retention and a 15% boost in new client acquisitions. These numbers speak for themselves and testify to the impact Proxy-Store has had on our business.

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Philip P.

Mobile proxies from Proxy Store has improved my online experience. It's incredibly fast, with an instant connection that allows me to access content from anywhere in the world. I feel much safer while browsing the web and have had no issues whatsoever since using it.

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Kline K.

5 stars go to the customer support agents, specifically to Hanna who has been very pleasant to work with. She explained clearly step by step how to set proxies because I couldn't figure out on my end. Quick responses via email, the team obviously work towards our goals and needs in terms of proxy working. Thanks for that!

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