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Kaden K.

We have seen a huge increase in sales and profits directly attributed to Proxy-store's proxies. It's made managing our eBay listings much easier, and we can now focus on other things. Thanks for helping our business to grow!

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Chang Zhihao Z.

It's allowed us to easily proxy website traffic and track our customers' movements. Our managers, Shannon and Jose, are always willing to answer any questions our team have. For those who understand the value of proxies and services this is the perfect solution to get ahead of market competition!

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Fred F.

What I appreciate most is their transparency and willingness to address any problems. Whenever there have been issues, they've been quick to respond and find solutions. Their proxy performance is excellent, and I've experienced minimal downtime. The flexibility to manage and monitor my usage is a big plus. Five stars all the way.

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George M.

This store has been an amazing partner for us. They provide us with reliable proxies, seamless integration for our software, and have always gone above and beyond to ensure that we have the best customer experience possible. Their API is easy to use and the customer support team is always prompt in responding to queries. We are so grateful to have them as our business partner!

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Dalton D.

The first time I discovered proxy store I couldn't believe how easy it was to spy on the competition as they claim. The interface is easy to use and it's a one-stop shop for all your marketing spying needs. This has been such a powerful tool for us, especially when there's no budget and we need to compete.

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