Про нас

Proxy-Store — велика і дружна команда професіоналів з бездоганною репутацією на ринку надання IT послуг. На рахунку — сотні виконаних замовлень, численні клієнти з України та інших країн Європи, США, схвальні відгуки клієнтів, яких з кожним днем все більше і більше.

  • 22 138користувачів щодня
  • 32 555всього проксі онлайн
  • 2 555постійних користувачів
  • 10+років на ринку проксі

Еталонний сервіс кожному клієнту

Проксі без проблем

Компанія Proxy-Store забезпечує клієнтів тільки найякіснішими і надійними серверами IPv4. Ви отримуєте 100% гарантію високого рівня анонімності придбаних у нас IP-адрес

Проксі для всіх

Чи є ви досвідченими інтернет-користувачем, просунутим геймером, SMM профі або новачком на просторах "всесвітньої павутини" - обслуговування виняткового рівня якості гарантовано

Відгуки наших клієнтів
4.3 stars stars stars stars stars
485 відгуківЧитати все
Jam J.

It's practical, efficient, and cost-effective. And the best part? It doesn't break the pocket. Transparency is key, and Proxy Store nails it. With over 90% customer satisfaction and prices up to 30% lower than competitors, they've earned my trust as the ultimate budget-friendly proxy solution.

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Robert M.

The proxies offered by proxy-store are consistently updated and maintained, ensuring that they always perform at optimal levels. This level of dedication to quality is unmatched. Whether I need a proxy for personal use or for business purposes, proxy-store always delivers. Their proxies are perfect for web scraping, social media management, and any other online tasks that require multiple IP addresses.

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Mizeur M.

Easy to set up and configure, which is great for those of us who don't have much technical experience. This was my 1st proxy service provider when I joined my team as an intern in 2022. The connection is stable and I haven't had any issues with bans or servers. I would recommend them to anyone looking for a simplified but secure connection solution!

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Holly C.

Working in SEO, I needed a proxy service that could deliver lightning-fast speeds and reliability. Proxy-Store's data center proxies exceeded my expectations. With a consistently high-speed connection and uptime, I managed to improve my clients' website rankings by 40% within just six months. Their proxies also integrate seamlessly with SEO tools, streamlining our optimization process. These proxies have been instrumental in our SEO success

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Nimet N.

Cipher-breaking proxies stand as the enigma solvers in the labyrinth of encrypted codes, I consider them as the key that unlocks the gates. Coordinating these proxies with encryption challengers like OpenSSL and GnuPG feels like orchestrating a digital heist in the matrix. However, the occasional decoding lag is like a puzzle piece missing in the cryptographic masterpiece. Proxy-Store's cipher-breaking proxies are the safecrackers, but a flawless decryption would make them the crowned kings of the cryptographic kingdom!

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